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Top Twitter GAA Counties

28th May 2014

See who has the most followers on Twitter from the 32 official accounts in Ireland, and see who has been adding the most followers in the last 12 months..

Tweets by @JeromeQuinn
1 - Dublin - @DubGAAOfficial &
@DubMatchTracker - 27,100 & 31,500 = 58,600
2 - Cork - @OfficialCorkGAA - 44,500 - up 18k
3 - Tyrone - @TyroneGAALive - 27,200 - up 11k
4 - Mayo - @MayoGAA - 26,700 - up 10k
5 - Donegal - @officialdonegal - 25,900 - up 11k
6 - Kerry - @Kerry_Official - 24,200 - up 11k
7 - Tipperary - @TipperaryGAA - 24,000 - up 10k
8 - Derry - @Doiregaa - 19,300 - up 7k
9 - Kilkenny - @KilkennyCLG - 17,930 - up 10k
10 - Armagh - @Armagh_GAA - 17,905 - up 6k 

11 - Down - @OfficialDownGAA - 17,300 - up 6k
12 - Wexford - @OfficialWexGAA - 16,800 - up 8k
13 - Kildare - @KildareGAA - 16,000 - up 6k 
14 - Monaghan - @monaghangaa - 15,600 - up 7k
15 - Antrim - @ClubAontroma - 14,800 - up 5k
16 - Limerick - @LimerickCLG - 14,600 - up 7k
17 - Roscommon - @RoscommonGAA - 14,300 - up 6k
18 - Louth - @louthgaa - 14,100 - up 3k
19 - Waterford - @WaterfordGAA - 14,000 - up 6k
20 - Cavan - @CavanCoBoardGaa - 12,600 - up 6k

21 - Laois - @CLGLaois - 12,500 - up 5k
22 - Meath - @MeathGAA - 11,400 - up 6k
23 - Offaly - @Offaly_GAA - 10,800 - up 5k
24 - Clare - @GaaClare - 10,700 - up 6k
25 - Galway - @Galway_GAA - 10,700 - up 7k
26 - Fermanagh - @FermanaghGAA - 10,400 - up 5k 
27 - Sligo - @sligogaa - 10,200 - up 4k 

28 - Leitrim - @LeitrimGAA - 9,000 - up 3k

29 - Carlow - @Carlow_GAA - 8,900 - up 5k 

30 - Wicklow - @wicklowgaa - 8,100 - up 3k

31 - Westmeath - @westmeath_gaa - 5,900 - up 4k

32 - Longford - @OfficialLDGAA - 4,600 - up 2k

** Note: @DubMatchTracker is an official partner of the Dublin account. 

More Twitter Stats will follow; you can follow me @JeromeQuinn

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